Mrs Hannaford
Class Teacher
Mrs Forshaw
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Miss Newton
Teacher (PPA Cover - Monday afternoons)
Spring Term
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and the children are excited to start a new term of learning.
During the Spring Term we will be learning about; -
- Maths – Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter, Fractions (Spring 1), Fractions, Mass and Capacity (Spring 2).
- Writing – Based on the books ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura (Spring 1) and 'Big Blue Whale' by Nicola Davies (Spring 2).
- Reading - We will be reading a range of different text types during our Guided Reading lessons.
- Reading for Pleasure – ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.
- Science – Forces and Magnets (Spring 1) and British Science Week (Spring 2).
- Art – Prehistoric Paintings (Spring 1)
- STEM – Wearable Technology (Spring 1 and 2).
- R.E – ‘Jesus’ (Spring 1) and ‘Easter’ (Spring 2).
- Jigsaw PSHE – 'Dreams and Goals' (Spring 1) and 'Healthy Me' (Spring 2).
- Music – The Dragon Song (Spring 2).
- Computing – Internet Safety (Spring 2).
- P.E – Dodgeball and Fitness (Spring 1), OAA and Hockey (Spring 2).
- Spanish - Year 3 will continue with their Spanish lessons with Mrs McQuillan, every fortnight on Tuesdays.
Year 3 have P.E on Monday afternoon (with Miss Newton) and Thursday afternoon this term, so please ensure your child has their full P.E kit on these days.
Homework will be set on a Friday and due by the following Wednesday.
If there is anything you would like to discuss, please don't hesitate to speak with me at the end of the school day or send a message via Class Dojo.
Mrs Hannaford