Early Help

Our aim is to support children and families as soon as problems begin to prevent escalation.

Listed below are some of the services that our school can offer you:-

  • Mr Hayes and Miss Lea are usually available to talk to parents/carers in a morning to discuss any concerns you may have regarding behaviour, learning or any other support you require. Alternatively, you can book an appointment with her via the school office.
  • School are available to provide support to complete forms and other paperwork such as high school admissions.
  • Class teachers are available to meet with parents/carers to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your child’s behaviour or learning – appointments can be made by contacting the school office. If further support is required, a key member of our Leadership Team will be allocated as your point of contact. Alternatively, please contact our school SENCo, Miss Lea.
  • Referrals to outside agencies such as: the Family Outreach Team, parenting courses, our School Health Advisor, Mental Health support.
  • An Early Help Assessment involves listening to you to find out what help you need and talking about what is working well in your life. Based on what you say and what help you would like, a plan is put together so that professionals can work together to make sure you get the right sort of help.

Early Help Offer in Warrington

In Warrington we know that children, young people and their families have different types of needs and sometimes they may require extra support. One way this extra support can be provided is through an Early Help Assessment.

An Early Help Assessment can be completed by any professional, from any service, who is working with a child, young person or family. The Early Help Support Team’s role is to provide information, guidance and support to these professionals, we don’t work directly with children or families.

An Early Help Assessment is completed in partnership with your family and also a range of different organisations such as the council, schools, health services, etc, in order to create a package of support that meets the needs of the whole family. The assessment means everyone can make sure the support is working and making a difference.

An Early Help Review/Closure Plan ensures the correct level of support is provided for an individual/family at the right time, and it can be regularly reviewed to make sure the plan continues to meet the needs of the family, and prevents any issues getting worse.

Find out more about Early Help, and local services and organisations who can support your family: www.mylifewarrington.co.uk/earlyhelp

Warrington Early Help offer

Contact the Early Help Support Team:

  • Tel: 01925 443136
  • Email: earlyhelpsupport@warrington.gcsx.gov.uk
  • For health colleagues: caf.team@nhs.net