Ethos Team

As educators, we strive to be ‘the best that we can be’ in order to inspire our children to become ‘the best that they can be.’

To ensure Christian Values are at the forefront of each pupil’s mind, we formed an Ethos Group. Our Christian Values drive everything we do at LSJ and are embedded throughout school. 


What is an Ethos Group?

·         Supports our school in developing our Christian distinctiveness

·         It promotes our Christian values:

·         We report to governors on what we have thought about and discussed

·         We work with other adults to develop positive working relationships


The Ethos Group aims:

·         To lead collective worship

·         Help children understand our Christian values

·         Develop reflective spaces in school

·         Help to evaluate collective worship

·         Listen to suggestions about how we can improve collective worship

·         To further improve collective worship in our school

HT3 - LOVE (Ellie Simmonds)

There are lots of articles about Ellie, especially about her swimming success. Ellie shows love in lots of different ways especially through smiling! Ellie smiles even if she doesn’t win the race; even if she loses she is still happy for her competitors. So what we can learn from Ellie is to smile even when we don’t feel like smiling because it shows an act of kindness and love.



HT4 - Hope (Ben Stokes)

How has Ben Stokes shown hope? 

Ben Stokes is an English international cricketer and is the captain of the England Test team. There are lots of news articles about Ben Stokes’ hope for cricket: ‘Ben stokes often hopes to inspire his team with pep talks ahead of their games’ and  “Ben Stokes gives a cricketing nation hope with his inspirational way of playing the game.” 

Ben Stokes continues to support his team by boosting morale.


So how can we show hope like Ben Stokes does?

  •  We can believe in ourselves and others!
  • We can pray and hope for peace in the world. 
  • Think positive! Hope to grow!
  • Encourage each other to have hope and faith in ourselves.  Be fearless!


In the Bible the Romans say: May the God of hope fill you will joy, peace and trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

HT5 - Honesty (Mo Farah)

The Ethos team presented a whole school

Collective Worship based on this half terms Christian Value - Honesty. They explored how Mo Farah has told the truth about his identity with the risk of losing all his medals and world titles