School Meals

Morning Snack
Snack is provided for children in Y1 to Y6 who place their order at morning registration.  Children can choose from toast, juice, milk or water at reasonable cost.  These are charged to the child's ParentPay account so please ensure this is checked regularly. 
Snack for children in Nursery and Reception is prepared in the classroom.  More information about this is provided at admission. 
Children may bring their own snack from home provided this is a healthy snack.  No crisps, sweets, cakes or biscuits, please. 
A piece of fruit is given to each child up to year 2 in the afternoon. Each child should bring their own water bottle, to ensure that they do not become dehydrated during the day, which can be detrimental to health and learning.
School Meals
Meals are cooked on the premises and offer a choice of courses from a displayed menu. Dinners will cost £2.60 a day from September 2023, which should be paid in advance via our online payment system, ParentPay.

If you are in receipt of Income Support or in similar circumstances, you may be eligible for free school meals. Applications for Free School Meals are managed by Warrington Borough Council.  Please visit their website (opens in a new window) for more information.

Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch from home but please ensure that lunch boxes are secure and clearly labelled and that drink containers are unbreakable and leak-proof. Packed lunches must comply with the schools healthy food policy ie. No fizzy drinks or sweets. See the useful links section below for some healthy lunchbox guidelines and suggestions.

Pupils are supervised at lunchtime by Mid-Day Assistants and a senior member of staff is always available.